Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Criminal Record

In light of a comment I received in response to yesterday's post, I believe a clarification is in order. . .

I am not actually on house arrest. I was placed on bedrest in January due to pregnancy complications and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in May. She is now two months old and I'm just now starting to venture out and get more active again, since first, the bedrest really kicked my butt and sapped my energy and then delivering a baby and caring for a newborn kept me exhausted and tied to my home.

Since I've hardly been out of the house since January, it feels like I've been on house arrest, but that is quickly changing. I'm trying to get out and take the kids to fun places before my son starts Kindergarten and I return to work on September 2nd.

I'm sure that once I'm juggling both my family and my job again, I will look back on these days I was stuck at home with fondness. The grass is always greener. . .

1 comment:

weezermonkey said...

The fact you wrote this is hilarious.